Granny Griffins Award Winning Strawberry Moon Scones

  • Mix all dry ingredients and Cubes of butter with your cool hands
  • Add in 2 whole eggs (not whisked) and an even mix of whole milk and Butter milk. The amount of milk will vary but Granny Griffin always aims for quite a wet mixture .
  • Mix all the dry ingredient well first and then add cubes of butter. You need to do  this with very cold hands. As they say cold hands …. Warm heart.
  • Dont over work these ingredients. Then out with a fork and mix in the eggs and milk mixture to a nice wet consistency.
  • Cool your hands with water again and knead the mixture. Handle the dough with love, Never ever over work it.
  • Roll out the mixture on a cool table to a thickness of an inch high.
  • Cut with a cool scone cutter. never twist the scone cutter.  Try to cut straight down.
  • Glaze scone with an egg. Top and sides. This will help your scones stand proud.
  • Put scones  into your warm oven as quickly as possible.
  • Bake for 15-18 minutes. Every oven is different
  • Serve with Homemade jam and Freshly whipped cream.

    For a Seasonal strawberry scone replace the sultanas with the best strawberries available. Rosscarberry Strawberries are given the seal of approval From Granny Griffin

Granny Griffins Secrets from her treasured recipe book

  • Always keep your eggs at room temperature. Never in a fridge and not in a very warm place in your kitchen
  • Have all your ingredients as cool as possible.
  • Always bake your scones with love and quality ingredients.

Find out more about Good Food Ireland Members, Garden Restaurant & Café at Griffins, here.