There is nothing better to get Irish food enthusiasts going than a conversation on Irish Stew! This heart warming earthy feast is probably over two hundred years old, and still served in many homes, pubs and restaurants. Originally most popular in areas where sheep were farmed for meat and wool, but now cooked all over Ireland.  One things for sure,  there will always be a discussion as to whether it should be mutton or lamb as the main ingredient.  Mutton was the meat of choice in early generations.  Old recipes call for neck chops, whilst newer versions which appeal to modern cooks just state stewing lamb.  But for purists, nothing but neck chops of well aged mutton will do! That’s only for starters! Then there’s the talk of whether it should have just potatoes and onions, or should there be pearl barley and carrots included too? Water is the liquid, upon which all seem to be decided – but you will get the odd chef who uses lamb stock instead, just to put the cat among the pigeons! In any case, wherever you eat this traditional simple Irish fare, it’s guaranteed you’ll enjoy it. Irish Stew has always been one of the stalwarts Irish  food heritage, ever appreciated and timeless.  Never has there been a dish so much talked about – and so much enjoyed by many.